Waiting for Baby | Kitchener Family Photographer

This family is one of the good ones.  The kind that are loving, playful, extremely kind and always well-dressed. The kind that come to see me year after year and continually make me remember why I love this job. I was so very excited when they messaged to say that a new little one would be joining them for their annual fall session and even more thrilled when they decided to do a maternity session to celebrate their last few weeks together as a family of three.

We lucked out with a beautiful, sunny night that wasn't too hot and had jut the right amount of wind to make this gorgeous mama's lovely locks blow in the breeze.  We picked flowers, romped through the golden rod and generally had a blast as usual!

Thank you all for continuing to trust me to capture all of your life's moments.  I cherish your friendship and our time together.  Can't wait to meet your babe!

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Waiting for a Winter Babe |Kitchener Maternity Photographer

This family has had a pretty spectacular year.  Last year around this time, I was photographing them to celebrate their commitment to each other as a family after Brad + Jen's engagement, and then in the spring they sealed their wedding vows at the gorgeous Pillar & Post in Niagara-On-The-Lake.  And now, they are welcoming a new life into their family.  There is a lot of love going around here, folks! Jackson arrived on December 5th at 8:43pm, but just a few short weeks before that, we got together to take a few images of Jen's perfect baby belly and to celebrate Jackson's iminent arrival. I am so happy and excited for this fabulous couple.  Their new little guy is going to be surrounded with more love than he will possibly able to imagine!

M xo

(PS My lovely friend Katy Brunkard took some absolutely breathtaking images of Jackson after he was here - check out her awesome newborn work here!)

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2014: Year in Review | Kitchener Photographer

At the end of each year, it always blows me away just how lucky I am.  I get to photograph people who are full of love, laughter and joy.  I am invited into people lives, even if just for a couple of hours and that is so very special.  This year has brought many return clients, giving me the opportunity to watch a family grow and change, which is such a cool thing to witness.  And there have been new clients as well, whom I look forward to meeting, year-after-year to see those wonderful changes.  Like I told one of my recent wedding couples, "You're stuck with me now!  I am YOUR family photographer!" The bottom line is that without all of your smiling faces, I would not be able to do this job that I love.  It is all of you who keep me smiling, laughing and crying along with you.  THANK YOU. From the very bottom of my big ol' heart.  Truly.  You are what inspires me to get better and learn more and find new ways to help you see your happy shine.

This year has seen a lot of firsts for my business, as I branched out into boudoir and wedding photography.  Now that I can make it through either of those without losing hours of sleep the night before, I am so excited to see where these paths will take me!!  I also worked hard to really bring out the storytelling aspects of my imagery, and to work in different locations that helped to guide these stories: the fair, the backyard, in the river, downtown Kitchener, in your home.  I am thrilled to keep moving in this direction of approach for 2015 - so get ready to have me storm your backyards and homes, people! ;)

Another huge part of this year was leaning on my amazing photography colleagues as I pushed into new and sometimes terrifying territory.  I probably wouldn't push myself nearly as far without their gentle nudges sometimes and having them to act as sounding boards is something I value beyond words and try never to take for granted.  To Hilary, the Oprah to my Gayle, the Scribsy to my Flash - I love being on the rocket ship with you and wouldn't want to be on this ride with anyone else. To Michelle B, Dana, Martina, Kate, Sandra, Lisa, and Michelle S - I love you girls so much and am so happy and thankful to have you in my life.

Thank you 2014, for being such a fantastic year.  Welcome 2015!

M xo


And Then They Were Four | Kitchener Family Photography

When I first met this lovely family, their little guy was on the eve of his first birthday.  I remember fondly singing Old MacDonald at the top of our lungs to get him smiling.  But this time around, we needed no such encouragement.  He was all smiles from the start, snuggling in his parents' arms and showing off his contagious grin. But we were not just there to capture his smiling face, but also his mama's bump, where rested his soon-to-be new sister.  It was such a beautiful warm night on the outskirts of Milton, where the summer sun filtered beautifully through the trees onto the boardwalk, highlighting that perfect belly and radiant happiness of this expectant family.  Here are a few from that night...



And then, a few short weeks later, she was here!  With a head full of hair and adorable button nose, she won over her unsure big brother and her wonderful parents.  I headed to their home to photograph the new foursome in her stunning nursery and to play some Wiggles guitar with big brother in between feedings.  I cannot wait to see this beautiful girl grow into her warm, welcoming, adoring family.  We already have her one-year session planned - I wonder if how much hair she will have by then??

Thank you all for welcoming me into your home and your lives.  I can't wait to see you in September to catch up!

M xo

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