Kim + James | Engaged | Kitchener Wedding Photographer

I met up with Kim + James while we were both on a mini-vacation in beautiful Tobermory for their engagement session (well, my family's cottage is up there, so it was more like an overnight getaway from the city for me).  We headed to nearby Singing Sands on Dorcas Bay Road to enjoy the beach, water and sunset as we explored and photographed. I had never met either of them in person before this evening, just emails back and forth to set up dates and times and talk about their wedding day, but I knew right away that they were my kind of people.  Laid-back, kind and warm and not afraid to get pine needles in their pants changing in the woods.  We were going to have fun.

And we did.  We hung out until the sun was nearly set and walked away slightly damp, sandy and smiling, all good signs as far as I am concerned.  They are such an amazing couple and I couldn't wait to photograph their September wedding when we parted ways.

And let me tell you, I was right to be excited - their wedding was FABULOUS.  Those images will be comin' at ya in an upcomoing post, but for now, enjoy a little kiss of summer sun.

M xo

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Jen + Brad | Pillar and Post Wedding | Niagara-On-The-Lake

Sunshine. Love. Happiness. Joy. Celebration.  All of these things came together to make this wedding a day the bride and groom will remember forever. Surrounded by family at the Pillar & Post in stunning Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario, this couple took their vows and bonded their families together with love.  I especially loved the portion of the ceremony when Brad promised to be a great Dad to Q - heart melted!

It was amazing to be a part of such an intimate day, with just a handful of guests to witness their commitment to one another.  This is EXACTLY my kind of wedding.  Moments of tenderness and unabashed laughter.  Relaxed smiles and casual conversation.  Small personal touches in all of the planning and decor.   It fosters a feeling of togetherness that is hard to match at a large event.  And these two pulled it off with unparalleled success.   Of course, that was likely due in large part to their amazing wedding planner Sandra, as well as an extremely detailed wedding binder... :)

Thank you both for choosing me to be a part of this amazing day, the beginning of your journey together as a new couple and family.  I felt so welcomed by your families and I can't wait to photograph your family through the years as it grows.  You are wonderful!!

Enjoy the images!

M xo

PS: A special thank you to my hubby Carl, who acted as my chauffeur/room-service-orderer/bag lugger and sort of second-shooter for the weekend.  Your love and support are more important to me than you will ever know.


Side Note to Future Brides + Grooms:

Are you planning a small, intimate wedding? A backyard DIY affair perhaps? Or in a tiny, historic chapel with a handful of friends + family? Elopement?

Then I am your photographer!

I am taking a limited number of wedding bookings for 2014 + 2015 for small, unique weddings with a maximum of 6 hours coverage. Even the smallest wedding should have beautiful photography to help you remember and cherish every moment.

Please connect at to share your love story with me!

Red Hoodies | Ontario Children's Photographer

Nothing is better than spending the long days of summer at a cottage. I am so fortunate that my parents have a cottage that we can use as a family, set in picturesque Tobermory, Ontario.  An old log building with a planked interior, it is filled with a mish-mash of eclectic furniture and decor, the perfect summer retreat.  It is the kind of place where you don't think twice about coming in straight from the lake and dripping puddles through the living room on your journey to find your haphazardly-shucked clothing.  Or letting the kids dissect owl pellets right on the dining table, gross little rodent bones and all. The thing about Tobermory is that the weather tends to be highly unpredictable, warm and sunny one minute, a raging thunderstorm with a temperatures plummeting the next.  Each year I buy each of my girls a new warm hoodie to wear while cozied up in front of the camp fire or to break the wind that blows in off Georgian Bay. Though nearly three years apart, they are often mistaken for twins, a misconception that is undoubtedly is perpetuated by my zest for buying them matching outerwear...

This year I was looking for red hoodies, which are very difficult to find, believe it or not. On the hunt, I finally tracked some down (in the boys' section, but don't tell my girls) for only 8$ a piece! Steal!  Why red you ask?  Why not a lovely purple or pink?  Well, the answer is two-fold.

  1. I am so sick of purple and pink I could scream.  GAH!  Even the blue, green, yellow and orange clothing tends to have some sort of pink or purple graphic to clearly define and demonstrate GIRL.
  2. Red is the most amazing colour to photograph.  So yes, this purchase was rather self-serving, but practical nonetheless.  What can I say, I am a photographer...

Of course, I just had to bust out the red hoodies on our most recent cottage adventure...  You have to admit they look spectacular, right?

M xo